Wednesday, August 21, 2019

TCS NYC Marathon Training, Day 38 - Hills

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TCS NYC Marathon course is tough -- no two ways about it. But a misconception about the course is that you need to do extensive hill work to get ready for it. You might hear someone say that she's "just not a hill runner." What exactly is a hill runner? Being efficient over the hills of New York takes strength and patience, not some quirky hill talent. If you're strong enough and pace yourself properly, you'll do fine on the hills. Will the uphills slow you down? Absolutely -- and the downhills will speed you up (although not as much -- sorry!). Today we want to practice one of the hills you will tackle in the race -- the Pulaski Bridge. The Pulaski Bridge is the midway mark of the race and features a 0.25 mile climb at a 3.8% incline -- this is perfect for hill repeats.
I choose James Jackson crossing on NW Cary parkway 0.25 mils hill, which is 4.3% incline, 0.35 miles (5 - 5.4 mi), this hill has a 83.4% similarity to the Pulaski Bridge (PB) hill that is at the midway mark of race. My hill features a 0.5% greater incline & 0.05 mi longer than the PB hill. It was 7/10 efforts used my Asics pairs.
Summary of todays run
2 miles 19m 13s warmup
up 0.25 1m 57s
dn 0.25  2m 40s
up 0.25 2m 02s
dn 0.25  2m 48s
up 0.25 2m 04s
dn 0.25  2m 42s
up 0.25 1m 58s
dn 0.25  3m 02s
up 0.25 2m 07s
dn 0.25  2m 58s
up 0.25 2m 09s
dn 0.25  2m 56s
 2miles  18m47s cool down

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

TCS NYC Marathon 2019 training- Day 34 long run (13 Miles)

Exploring some new route around, today run started as soon as I stepped out my apartment -cedar fork field -crab creek lake- black creek trail- bond park- NW Cary parkway- chapel hill road back to apartment.

Exact half marathon distance 13.1 miles. There were many (8) road crossings on route.
I enjoyed new route 80% run was on green-way, Initial target ðŸŽ¯ was to complete in 2 hours, not able to push as planned negative split due to elevation 4.2% at NW cary parkway. It was awesome weather for running with this run completed 72 miles (116 km) in August month. 
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  Disclaimer: I received a race entry to the Blue Ridge Marathon to review as part of being a BibRave Pro. Learn more about becoming a  BibR...